Characteristics Of A Good Investor
An average investor uses his money
and invests the rest; a good investor invests his money and uses the rest.
Investing is a risk vs. returns game. While some have made millions, many have
lost as well. Learn the key characteristics of a good investor to become one.
Goal setting
Failing to plan is planning to
A good investor will always have
clear goal. It is very important to have a plan to achieve the goals.
Variations most likely tend to divert an investor from the agenda. Having a
plan of action within a defined period of time for a particular return on investment
is a sign of a good investor. They are prepared for the uncertainty of the
market while the plans are usually made considering both the sides
When you know better, you do
Besides utilizing time to the best,
a good investor possesses knowledge of the market. He/she understands the
position of funds and has researched about the company investment strategy and
philosophy. You need to know where your money is being utilized. A good
investor analyses the growth pattern of the company over the years from genuine
sources. On the accounts of the anticipations and knowledge a good investor
will have a defined plan for exit point as well. An active learner who is open
to make a right choice on the basic of genuinely of knowledge is a good
Right Decision
Listen to the world but do what is
A good investor knows the time.
They keep an eye on current scenario in the market. They update their knowledge
about market activities and growth. Having a sound understanding of trends
enables the investors to overlook their plans and decide the term of
investment. Having an understanding of current trends and company market
position makes one a good investor. They own their mistakes and learn not to make
them again. It’s not necessary that the good investor jumps into the trends;
he/she just does what is right.
Keep calm and carry on!
Over the period of time a good
investor creates wealth due to his patience. It is probably the finest quality
to have. A good investor has faith in his plans. They usually do not feel bad
about the 10% downtick; they would rather sit tight to celebrate the 100%
uptick. They are persistent about sticking to the plans. They usually do not
get into the buy and sell trends.
Risk Aversion
Know thyself!
Good investors know the inherent
risk in investing. They understand their plans and analyze their expected
returns. Being risk averse is a quality shaped by experience, knowledge and
confidence over the above mentioned key characteristics.
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