Debt Mutual Funds Vs Fixed Deposits
Currently, there are two most popular methods of investing -
Fixed Deposits & Debt Mutual Funds. These two methods of investment are
normally do meet primary goals of an investor which are low risk investment
avenue, seek returns in 5 years & to gain atleast 8% to 9% of rate of
returns. But then there are certain aspects like benefits, features that
differentiate them & the difference in the way they work can be of
advantage or disadvantage depending on the type of investor one is.
Debt Mutual Funds | Bank Fixed Deposits |
Return is market dependant hence may vary as per the prevailing conditions | Returns are fixed & not subject to any market fluctuations |
There is a scope for capital gain & loss | In FDs, there is no scope for capital gain or loss |
Tax liability only arises when the investor sells the units of the mutual fund | These attract higher tax rate. Tax is also applicable on accrued income which is due to be received |
There is no concept of premature withdrawal | Penalty is levied on premature withdrawal |
Are more tax efficient if the investment horizon is for more than 3 years | Interest income is taxed. If the interest paid exceeds Rs. 10,000 |
Can liquefy investments quickly | Funds are locked in until maturity date |
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