LIC Agent in Nagpur
LIC Educational Loan
Banks have set eligibility for students as well for co-applicant.The student should be an Indian national with good academic track record and has secured admission to a recognized University/College. All loans require a co-applicant who has to fulfill the basic criteria to apply for an educational loan.The co-applicant can be a salaried or self employed parent, sibling or a relative with a steady source of income.The age, annual income, work experience in the current organization and total work experience, educational qualification and profession of the co-applicant are all considered by banks to decide on a amount for an Fund Education with an education plan from old mutual. Investing in an education plan is important, we know that. What isn't always clear is how much it's likely to cost, the timeline and how much we can afford to invest. Old Mutual offers a smart tool and products to get you started on making your child'svision of what they want to become a reality.
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