LIC Agent in Nagpur

Plane Landed भागो भागो 
Ever noticed how people stand up even before the plane has come to a complete halt. 

Thereafter they continue standing till the steps or air corridor is attached. All this takes a cool 5  to 10 minutes. 

Although there isn't any gain for them but still the ritual is followed. 

Isn't is a lot better to remain seated till the passengers start disembarking and then peacefully find your way out. 

Even if one reaches a little faster the advantage is nullified because  one has to wait at the baggage belt area and in all probability the baggage may lazily emerge at the end of the queue. Much ado for nothing. 

Clearly there are many factors beyond our control that prevents us from teaching our goal early even though we may have all the burning desire.

The best strategy then is to go about our business with a constant pace. We will still reach our goal in good time bereft any anxiety.

The above example reflects the human tendency tendency for instant gratification. We want everything fast. 

Hence our investors too want returns in one year's time and cannot wait longer. 

But being impatient does not help the investor because nothing happens by hoping, wishing or wanting just like nothing happened by standing up even before the plane came to a halt. 

Things take their own time and things will take their own time. 

Therefore the prudent manner is to find a device which helps you to invest, but  without making you impatient and anxious.

And that device is called SIP. 

The philosophy of SIP itself brings down anxiety levels as it stands for  talking small and consistent steps come hell or high water  and having loads of patience and stamina for the long haul.

Clearly SIP is common sense for the common man. 

So the next time we fly, we must inculcate the attitude of an SIP and remain seated till the passengers start disembarking before us. 

Who knows our luggage might emerge first and we may still reach your goal before the impatient majority. 



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