How to Protect Savings from Yourself?
We do not sometimes realize that we are our greatest enemy. Purchasing impulse is enjoyable, but just for the moment. It gives us great pleasure to do things in the spur of the moment, but it can cost us a lot. Saving is not a big thing, but it is to protect those savings. Here are some ways of protecting your savings. Have a separate bank account for savings Invest the money Lifestyle changes Have an impulsive shopping fund Have a separate bank account for savings Having separate bank accounts for spending and savings is a nice practice. A portion of the income can be transferred to the savings bank account at the beginning of each month. Keep the debit card securely in a locker for that account and do not frequently bring it around. People are not going to use the cash in that account by doing this. In this account have the emergency fund and use it only for emergencies. Invest the money Ther...