LIC Calculator In Nagpur
LIC calculator gives you a fair estimate of the surrender value, bonus, Loan, paid up and projected maturity value on the basis of the total premium paid. Please enter correct sum assured, premium, premium paying term, policy term, last premium paid date, and your personal details. This data will be used to calculate and determine the approximate values.
 This is a dynamic LIC policy calculator that will display the following vital information about your LIC policy or policies:
  • Accumulated Bonuses-The extra sum that gets accumulated every year to the policy
  • Guaranteed Surrender Value- The amount guaranteed to you in case you voluntarily terminate the policy before maturity
  • Current Surrender Value-If you terminate your policy very early into the term (before the lock-in period concludes), there are certain charges that apply; this tab will display your surrender value after deducting these charges
  • Loan Availability – Acts as an LIC loan calculator; you can then decide how many loans on LIC policy you can avail
  • Paid-up Value- This is calculated by multiplying the sum assured with the ratio of the number of premiums paid to the number of premiums payable
  • Projected Maturity Value – Acts as an LIC maturity amount calculator; for example, this will help you if you are looking for LIC Jeevan Anand maturity calculator, LIC New Jeevan Anand maturity calculator, or LIC Endowment policy maturity calculator.


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