
Showing posts from December, 2020

Habits - A road map to Success

95% of everything that you think, feel, do and achieve is the result of habit. Thoughts lead to purposes; purposes l3ad to action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny. *Five Steps To A New Habit* How do you develop a new habit? Over the years, a simple, powerful, proven seven-step methodology has been determined for new habit development. It is very much like a recipe for preparing a dish in the kitchen. You can use it to develop any habit that you desire. With practice, you will find it easier to develop the habits that you want to incorporate into your personality. *1. First, make a decision.* Deciding what habit will make the biggest impact on your success is crucial. Don’t confuse urgent tasks with important ones. Your inbox will always be full, so schedule time for the items that truly will take you to the next level so they don’t get overlooked by daily email or “kitchen fires.” We will discuss specific habits that lead to su...


*Warning: this post may put you on the defensive.* And that’s fine. I don’t pull any punches here. Right now is the time for honesty. And if you feel frustrated after reading it then it’s likely you are the one who needs to hear it the most. It is very clear that we all LOVE referrals. Nothing controversial there. Because referrals, on average, convert 30% better and have a 25% higher lifetime value than leads generated from other marketing channels. And over the years I’ve found that there are SEVEN reasons that you are likely not getting more referrals... *One: You figured, if you do good work, people will just send you referrals.* I probably don’t have to tell you this but this is wrong. Even if you knock it out of the park for your clients there is no guarantee that they will refer you. That’s because they are focused on their business. Not yours. There’s a good chance that they would be happy to send referrals your way. They just never think about it. Simply h...


Successful people have a few common characteristics that make them great. Not every successful person can be a master of all these but awareness of them can help in increasing these qualities in ourselves. Following are the 11 common traits exhibited by successful people that I have observed across various fields including sports, business, and arts. 1. Self-Discipline I put this at the top of the list simply because without self-discipline nothing is possible. Self-discipline is a quality that can be developed by having a clear idea on what we want and then ensuring the desire to succeed is greater than the consequences of not doing it. If we want to exercise 5 times a week then we can imagine the enormous benefits of exercise and visualize that while trying to keep the end goal in mind. If we want to achieve all the things we want then self-discipline is the best place to start and we have 100% control on this. It is resolving to do what we have set out to accomplish in both o...

Early childhood programming often gets in the way of what you want

Inside every one of us is that tiny seed of the "you" that you were meant to become. Unfortunately, you may have buried this seed in response to your parents, teachers, coaches, and other adult role models as you were growing up. You started out as a baby knowing exactly what you wanted. You knew when you were hungry. You spit out the foods you did not like and avidly devoured the ones you did. You had no trouble expressing your needs and wants. You simply cried loudly - with no inhibitions or holding back - until you got what you wanted. You had everything inside you, that you needed to get fed, changed, held and rocked. As you got older, you crawled around and moved toward whatever held the most interest for you. You were clear about what you wanted, and you headed straight toward it with no fear. So what happened? Somewhere along the way, someone said: Don’t touch that. Stay away from there. Keep your hands off that. Eat everything on your plate whether you like it...